Great Value Three Body Problem

Nico OR

And we're back. I ended up making some changes to the simulation rig since the last time I posted about this project. I ended up ditching the TOML configuration, opting instead for the client to send a configuration, like so:

syntax = "proto3";

package simulation;

service Sim {
  rpc StateReply(SimCurrentStateReq) returns (SimState) {}
  rpc SetConfiguration(SimState) returns (ConfigValid) {}

message SimCurrentStateReq{
  optional string bodyID = 1;

message Vec2D{
  float x = 1;
  float y = 2;

message ConfigValid{
  bool succeeded = 1;

message BodyAttributes{
  Vec2D velocity = 1;
  Vec2D position = 2;
  float mass = 3;
  uint32 bodyID = 4;

message SimState{
  repeated BodyAttributes bodies = 1;

I ended up changing some names too, as well as adding some more detail to the BodyAttributes message. Since the RPC contract between the server and client needs to be sync'd, and I also wanted these two programs to be as decoupled as possible, I ended up using PyBuilder to fetch the latest from the repository:

def get_protobuf_service_def(project):
    protobuf_url = ""
    response = requests.get(protobuf_url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        proto_dir = os.path.join(
            project.get_property("dir_source_main_python"), "proto"
        proto_file = os.path.join(proto_dir, "simulation.proto")
        project.set_property("proto_dir", proto_dir)
        project.set_property("proto_file", proto_file)
        os.makedirs(proto_dir, exist_ok=True)
        with open(proto_file, "wb") as file:
            print("[Builder] Successfuly got latest protobuf")
        print("[Builder] Failed to get protobuf")

def build_proto_buf(project):
    proto_file = project.get_property("proto_file")
    proto_dir = project.get_property("proto_dir")
    module_file = os.path.join(proto_dir, "")
    command = [

I fully recognize and appreciate that having a build system in a python project might just be me being massively C-brained, but it gets the job done and organizes the project pretty well. The actual client, being only two methods, is pretty simple:

def set_configuration(bodies, stub):
    Calls the SetConfiguration RPC to set the simulation configuration.
    sim_state = simulation_pb2.SimState(
                    x=body["position"]["x"], y=body["position"]["y"]
                    x=body["velocity"]["x"], y=body["velocity"]["y"]
            for body in bodies
    response = stub.SetConfiguration(sim_state)

def body_request(stub):
    Requests the location, velocity, and mass of bodies in the current simulation
    request = simulation_pb2.SimCurrentStateReq()
        response = stub.StateReply(request)
        return response
    except grpc.RpcError as e:
        print(f"gRPC call failed: {e.code()}: {e.details()}")

Using the dictionary that the service gives us, we evaluate if the simulation has effectively ended, or when the configuration no longer has the chance of being stable. For our purposes that is when a collision has occured, or when one of the bodies has escaped the gravitational force of the others. That looks something like this:

def collision(bodies):
    returns true if body positions are within radii of one another
    combinations = itertools.combinations(bodies, 2)
    collision_flag = false
    for combination in combinations:
        b1, b2 = combination
        vec1 = np.array([b1.position.x, b1.position.y])
        vec2 = np.array([b2.position.x, b2.position.y])
        distance = np.linalg.norm(vec1 - vec2)
        if round(distance, 2) <= 80.0:
            collision_flag = true

    return collision_flag

def escape(bodies):
    returns true if a body is no longer effect by the gravitational force of one of the others
    combinations = itertools.combinations(bodies, 2)
    distance_flag = false
    for combination in combinations:
        b1, b2 = combination
        vec1 = np.array([b1.position.x, b1.position.y])
        vec2 = np.array([b2.position.x, b2.position.y])
        distance = np.linalg.norm(vec1 - vec2)
        g_f = (b1.mass * b2.mass) / (distance**2)
        if round(g_f, 3) == 0:
            distance_flag = true
    return distance_flag

In the same file I define some banal functions, runtime and create_config, both of which do exactly what they sound like. We use our runtime as the fitness matrix which we evolve our body configurations with. Using the DEAP framework, I whipped up this genetic algorithm that works... servicably

fitnesses = list(map(toolbox.evaluate, population))
for ind, fit in zip(population, fitnesses): = fit

for gen in range(num_generations):
offspring =, len(population))
offspring = list(map(toolbox.clone, offspring))

for child1, child2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
    if np.random.rand() < crossover_prob:
        toolbox.mate(child1, child2)

for mutant in offspring:
    if np.random.rand() < mutation_prob:

invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
fitnesses = map(toolbox.evaluate, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit

population[:] = offspring

fits = [[0] for ind in population]

the algorithm is pretty textbook (DEAP textbook to be specific). But it does iterate, slowly. I tried using the SciPy optimize package, but that never got up and running, and back propogation never made it back up the computation graph when using PyTorch (since, surprisingly, gRPC is not auto-differentiable). The problem that I ran into with this algorithm, only couple of hours of iteration into the whole thing, is that the individuals which maximized the fitness function were the ones on the very edges of one anothers gravitational field. Their offspring, in turn, would be just exactly outside of the field, reseting the simulation.

Some rethinking needs to be done on this, and I might just ditch the external simulation, and instead write the physics solver myself in an entierly differentiable manner. Still, I'm not sure what the appropriate cost function would be, I flirted briefly with a Lyapunov based cost function, but by the very nature of the problem, there cannot be an equilibirium point. My running theory is I could probably modify the above genetic algorithm to train the neural network to find somewhat stable configurations.

Until I figure out the finer points of dynamical systems, I choose to put this one on the back bench.