Great Value Three Body Problem

Nico OR

The three body problem is a relatively well known scenario in classical mechanics, as well as a pretty good series of novels, with no closed form solution. It's comprised of three, equal mass, bodies in space (the "three body" part) and the aim is describing the movement caused by gravitational attraction (the "problem" part). Some restricted variations of the problem have solutions, and it's most generally described as a system of three second order vector differential equations, or a really ugly eighteen part Hamiltonian differential scalar equations.

With all that said, since we're in the business of intellectual exercises, and less so in the business of a particularly nasty Diff. Eq. homework question, I set out to build a simulation of the three body problem. Well, the original goal was, and time permitting, still is, to write a model to seek out stable (rather, least chaotic) configurations of the scenario. This, then, is part one of the project, setting up the simulation and program environment.

The simulation is set up in Rust, using Bevy + Rapier 2D. I hesitated to commit to using Bevy since I thought it would be overkill for what I needed it for, and that was somewhat true, but this particularly interesting podcast convinced me to bite the bullet and figure out Bevy's ECS system. With a little bit of hindsight, I can say confidently it would have been easier to use Rapier as a headless physics solver and simply visualize using matplotlib or similar down the pipeline. Since the goal of the project is to write a model to solve our scenario, I needed a way for the program to communicate with external program. The choice to use an external program was motivated mostly because we are not learning yet and I also just wanted to play around with interprocess communication. I chose to use gRPC by way of Tokio's Tonic because I've been meaning to learn how to use gRPC for a while, but also because of my fondness for the Tokio ecosystem, in no small part due to their neat-looking designs.

To be clear, graphQL and some form of REST would have probably done just as well, if not better. At the projects current state, GraphQL would have been a little more ergonomic on merit of it's JSON representation format. If I wanted to, say, pass the simulation to another service, like a diagnostics service, or some HPC platform, gRPC would have worked wonders.

Now, onto the code. Let's start with the initial conditions, the program looks in a file called config.toml which looks, for example, like this:

id = 1
radius = 40.0
restitution = 1.0
mass = 300.0
velocity = { x = 0.0, y = 25.0 }
position = { x = 500.0, y = 0.0 }

id = 2
radius = 40.0
restitution = 1.0
mass = 300.0
velocity = { x = 0.0, y = 25.0 }
position = { x = -500.0, y = 0.0 }

id = 3
radius = 40.0
restitution = 1.0
mass = 600.0
velocity = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }
position = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }

Which defines all the values rapier needs to initialize our rigid bodies. I opted to use an external configuration file so that we can change the setup of the bodies in runtime, without recompiling the program. Once our bodies our spawned, we create a system called gravity_update() which is tad long, but queries our bodies (using Bevy's ECS), gets the unique combinations of bodies using the built in iter_combinations_mut::<2>() (practically the n choose k combinatorial) and applys the force calculated by the gravitational_force() function

pub fn gravitational_force(
    mass1: f32,
    mass2: f32,
    position1: Vector2<f32>,
    position2: Vector2<f32>,
) -> Vector2<f32> {
    let r = position2 - position1;
    let direction = r.norm();
    let f_mag = 1000.0 * ((mass1 * mass2) / direction.powi(2));
    r.normalize() * f_mag

Which calculates the force vector on body 1 in reference to body 2, adapted from Newton's Gravitational Law. The gravity_update() function also updates our SimulationState struct, contained inside SimulationService struct which gets used with our gRPC server. (No, that's not the real gravitational constant)

Before moving on to the server, I'd like to highlight a small debugging system I wrote up so that I could vizualize the direction of the bodies.

pub fn setup_vectors(mut commands: Commands, query_bodies: Query<&Transform>) {
    for _ in query_bodies.iter() {
        let line = shapes::Line(Vec2::ZERO, Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0));
            ShapeBundle {
                path: GeometryBuilder::build_as(&line),
            Stroke::new(Color::WHITE, 5.0), // Spawn in lines

pub fn vector_update(query_body: Query<(&Transform, &Velocity)>, mut query_path: Query<&mut Path>) {
    for ((transform, velocity), mut path) in query_body.iter().zip(query_path.iter_mut()) {
        let center_of_mass = transform.translation.truncate();
        let vel = velocity.linvel;
        let new_line = shapes::Line(center_of_mass, center_of_mass + vel);
        *path = ShapePath::build_as(&new_line);

Now, since the model will not be interested in all of the values that Rapier needs, we define a seperate BodyAttributes that our gRPC service uses. Here is the simulation.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package simulation;

service Sim {
  rpc Replies(SimReq) returns (SimResponse) {}

message SimReq{
  optional string bodyID = 1;

message Vec2D{
  float x = 1;
  float y = 2;
message BodyAttributes{
  Vec2D velocity = 1;
  Vec2D position = 2;
message SimResponse{
  repeated BodyAttributes bodies = 1;

We create the server as a startup system in the Bevy ECS, and add the tokio runtime as a resource to the Bevy up so that our server can handle requests as they come in asynchronously.

We can connect to it on localhost:50051 and get the velocity and position of our bodies.